As a child Legos were one of my favorite toys. I remember begging my family members to buy me sets as a child. There was something so calming and intriguing about snapping such little pieces together and making one gorgeous and intricate structure. It was always so heartbreaking when you were finally finished playing with your masterpiece and had to disassemble your work. Although that’s the beauty of Legos, although sometimes you had to break it apart, you could always put it back together again.

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As the Corona Virus continues to hold it’s grasp on the world, many are looking for ways to keep safe, especially as new variants arrive and schools re-open. Some ways that people have worked to protect themselves and their loved ones is by social distancing, gloves, vaccines, and especially masks. In this modern day, masks are seen as a daily necessity, leaving your house without a mask in your pocket is almost unimaginable.

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Recently I have gotten more into shopping, especially for clothes. While looking for a new outfit, I pull a shirt off the rack and check the material (50% cotton, 50% polyester). That’s when it hit me. Why am I so prejudiced against polyester? What is it made of? Is polyester good or bad? When I got home, I conducted a study and decided to share my findings with you. First, let’s talk about where we can find polyester.

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What is PLA? Recently, I have volunteered to 3D print parts for my robotics team. It started as a part or two, but now, the club relies on me for their 3D printing needs. After constant printing, I became curious, I use my printer every day, but I don’t actually know much about it. So, as an aspiring material scientist, I decided to research the materials inside 3D printers and get some answers.

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Elizabeth Dubinskiy

I am high school student with a passion for materials science and engineering. Using this blog I would like to share my research and findings.

High School student

San Francisco Bay Peninsula