We are entering a new era of quantum computing as new research has revealed how to wire quantum circuits with unprecedented precision. In a paper published in Nature, an international team of scientists from the University of Tokyo, RIKEN and the University of Oxford have described a revolutionary method to wire quantum circuits with nanometer-scale accuracy.

This breakthrough is a major step forward for the field of quantum computing as it has been a long-standing challenge to wire quantum circuits with the accuracy needed to control and manipulate quantum states. The team used a technique called electron beam lithography, which uses a finely focused beam of electrons to etch patterns into a material. This allowed them to create nanometer-scale circuits that could be used to precisely control the flow of quantum information. With this new technique, scientists can now create more complex quantum circuits with greater accuracy and efficiency than ever before.

This new method of wiring quantum circuits opens up a world of possibilities for the field of quantum computing, as it allows for unprecedented precision and control of quantum states. With this breakthrough, scientists are one step closer to realizing the full potential of quantum computing and the possibilities it holds for our future.

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source: Phys.org