The Parker Solar Probe is about to embark on an ambitious mission, and it’s headed to Venus. On August 20, 2023, the probe will fly past Venus as part of a gravity assist maneuver to help it reach its final destination: the sun. This flyby will be the closest ever, coming within just 250 kilometers of the planet’s surface. The maneuver will dramatically increase the probe’s speed, allowing it to reach the sun in less than a year.

This flyby of Venus is an important step in the Parker Solar Probe’s mission to better understand the sun. By passing close to the planet, the probe will be able to take measurements of the Venusian atmosphere and gain insight into the planet’s environment. It will also use the planet’s gravity to help propel the probe towards the sun, where it will begin its mission of collecting data about solar winds and the sun’s atmosphere.

This flyby of Venus is a crucial part of the Parker Solar Probe’s mission, and it is sure to be an exciting event. Stay tuned for more updates on this daring mission as it continues its journey to the sun!

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