“A team of researchers from the University of Oxford recently published a paper that provides a theoretical proof that parallel worlds may exist. In the paper, the team presents a mathematical model that suggests that the laws of physics could allow multiple universes to interact with each other.

This model is based on quantum mechanics and suggests that there is a possibility of universes that are extremely close to each other, separated by a thin veil of space-time. The team of researchers believes that it is possible for these universes to interact with each other, exchanging energy and matter.

This new model provides the foundation for further research into the possibility of parallel worlds, and could change the way we think about the universe.”

Have you ever wondered if there are other universes out there, besides our own? A new paper published by a team of researchers from the University of Oxford suggests that it is possible! The paper provides a theoretical proof that parallel worlds may exist and presents a mathematical model that suggests that the laws of physics could allow multiple universes to interact with each other. According to the model, these universes could be extremely close to each other, separated by a thin veil of space-time. The research team believes that it is possible for these universes to interact with each other, exchanging

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source: Phys.org