As the world rapidly changes, so too does the employment landscape. A recent study has identified 10 key trends in employment that are likely to shape the future of work. Among the most interesting findings is the rise of employment opportunities related to microbiomes and forests.

Microbiomes are the communities of microorganisms living in and on our bodies and in our environment. The study found that jobs related to the study and management of these microbiomes are expected to increase, as more and more research is conducted into their role in human health and the environment. This could include positions such as microbiologists, bioinformaticians, and data analysts.

Similarly, the demand for jobs related to forest management is expected to increase, as we become more aware of the importance of forests for our planet’s health. Positions such as forest ecologists, conservationists, and policy makers are expected to be in demand in the coming years.

These two trends demonstrate how the changing world is creating new employment opportunities, and how our understanding of the environment and its importance is likely to shape the future of work.

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