Recently, scientists have discovered how electrons interact between layers in a two-dimensional material. This breakthrough could potentially revolutionize the way we think about quantum materials.

The research team, led by physicist Yi-Fan Zhao, has revealed the quantum inter-layer Coulomb drag in a two-dimensional material. This phenomenon occurs when electrons move between two layers of material, creating a drag force that slows down the electrons in the process.

The team was able to measure the drag force between two layers of graphene, a two-dimensional material composed of a single layer of carbon atoms. They found that the force is much stronger than previously thought, suggesting that quantum materials could have a much higher resistance to heat than traditional materials.

This is an exciting development for researchers, as it could lead to new applications in electronics and other fields. With further research, scientists may be able to design devices that can take advantage of this phenomenon and create materials that are more energy efficient.

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