A recent study has developed a stepwise strategy for reducing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. The study, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, suggests that the most effective strategy is to first reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emitted from power plants and other industrial sources, while also taking steps to increase the amount of carbon dioxide sequestered in the environment. This strategy could potentially reduce global carbon dioxide concentrations by up to 25 percent by 2030.

In order to achieve this reduction, the study recommends a number of steps. These include increasing the efficiency of existing carbon dioxide-emitting power plants, reducing the amount of carbon dioxide emitted from new power plants, implementing emission trading schemes, and investing in carbon capture and storage technology. Additionally, the study suggests that countries should take steps to increase the amount of carbon dioxide sequestered in soils and forests, as well as investing in renewable energy sources.

Overall, the study’s authors believe that this stepwise strategy is an effective way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change. With the right policy decisions, the study suggests that the world could make significant progress in reducing carbon dioxide levels by 2030.

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source: Phys.org