Today, a group of scientists from the University of California, San Diego, released their newest invention: an open source 3D illumination system. This revolutionary technology enables users to create 3D images with unprecedented accuracy and realism. The system utilizes a combination of lasers, optics, and software to generate realistic 3D imagery from any viewpoint. The technology is now available for anyone to use and develop, making 3D imaging more accessible than ever before.

The system was developed by the research team, which is led by UCSD professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Dr. Jeffrey Shapiro. “We’re really excited to make this technology available to the public,” said Dr. Shapiro. “By making it open source, we hope to foster innovation and collaboration in 3D imaging technology.”

The new system has the potential to revolutionize the way 3D images are created and used. With the help of this technology, researchers, engineers, and creators of all kinds can create 3D images with unprecedented accuracy and realism. The possibilities are endless, and the future of 3D image creation is brighter than ever.

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