A group of scientists from the University of Oxford and the Technical University of Berlin have made a breakthrough in quantum research, showing that quantum entanglement can exist in real space. This new discovery could help further research in the field of quantum computing and could lead to advances in quantum cryptography, secure communication, and quantum networks.

Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in which two particles are linked together, such that the measurement of one particle affects the other. It has been studied and studied for decades, but until now, attempts to show that it can exist in real space have been unsuccessful. The team of researchers used a special type of “entanglement witness” to measure the entanglement of two particles in real space. The witness was a two-qubit state that could detect entanglement between two qubits, even in the presence of noise.

This breakthrough could have major implications for the future of quantum research and the development of quantum computers. The team plans to continue their research in order to explore the possibilities of applying this knowledge to secure communication and quantum networks.

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source: Phys.org