A new study has revealed that the occludin protein plays an important role in maintaining healthy cells. The research, conducted by scientists at the University of Toronto, has identified a mechanism by which occludin is able to control the flow of ions and other molecules in and out of cells. This could lead to improved treatments for a variety of diseases, including cancer, heart disease, and neurological disorders. Occludin is a type of transmembrane protein which is found in the cell’s tight junctions. The tight junctions are important for controlling the flow of molecules between cells, and occludin’s role in this process has been unclear. The researchers used a range of laboratory techniques to investigate how occludin works, and their results showed that it controls the flow of ions and other molecules in and out of cells by interacting with two other proteins, claudin and ZO-1. This finding could lead to new treatments for a range of diseases, as well as an improved understanding of how cells work.

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source: Phys.org