Recently, a team of researchers in the US has been exploring the evolution of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in the X-ray emission of black holes. QPOs are observed in the X-ray emission from black holes, neutron stars, and other cosmological objects. They are thought to be caused by physical processes within the accretion disc, such as the interaction of matter and radiation. The team has been studying the QPOs in the X-ray emission from a wide variety of sources, including black holes, neutron stars, and active galactic nuclei.

This research has revealed several interesting features in the QPOs. For example, they found that the QPOs in black holes tend to evolve over time. This evolution can be described by a power-law, which can be used to accurately predict the behavior of the QPOs over time. This research provides important insight into the physical processes at work in these objects, and could help us better understand their structure and evolution.

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