Recently, a study was conducted to examine the health of green sea turtles in the Caribbean Sea. The researchers found that the turtles were in excellent condition and were “fat and happy.”

The study conducted by researchers at the University of Florida found that the turtles were in excellent condition, with an average body condition index (BCI) of 4.8 out of 5. The BCI is a measure of the fat levels in a turtle’s body and provides an indication of the overall health of the animal. The researchers found that the turtles had healthy levels of fat and were able to store energy for extended periods of time.

This study is great news for the conservation efforts of green sea turtles. It shows that the turtle populations in the Caribbean Sea are healthy and thriving. It also shows that the conservation efforts being made to protect the turtles are working. Hopefully this study will inspire more people to help protect these amazing creatures.

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