In the future, microbial cell factories are expected to provide a cost-effective way to produce drugs, biofuels, and other valuable products. Researchers at the University of Michigan have developed a new simulation technique that can help speed up the process of designing and optimizing these microscopic workhorses.

The new method, known as the Metabolic Network Simulation (MNS), allows scientists to quickly and accurately simulate the metabolic pathways of microbial cell factories. MNS can simulate the metabolic pathways of both single-celled and multi-cellular organisms, providing a comprehensive picture of how these pathways interact and affect each other. This is particularly useful when trying to identify the best strain of microbial cell factory for a particular application.

This new simulation technique could revolutionize the field of microbial cell factory design. By providing a more efficient and accurate way to simulate these pathways, scientists can quickly and accurately identify the best strain for a particular application. This could ultimately lead to faster and more cost-effective production of drugs, biofuels, and other valuable products.

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