Recent advances in microscopy are revolutionizing the field of microscopy and allowing scientists to see things at a much higher resolution than ever before. In a recent breakthrough, researchers at the University of Sussex have developed a way to combine two powerful microscopy techniques, called super-resolution and structured illumination microscopy, to produce images with unprecedented detail and clarity. This new combination of techniques allows researchers to view objects as small as 20 nanometers in size, which is 100 times smaller than a human hair. This incredible detail opens up a world of possibilities for scientists studying the cellular level of living organisms. By combining both techniques, researchers are able to image the structures of cells with remarkable precision, allowing them to better understand their function and behavior. The potential applications of this new combination of microscopy techniques are vast, from medical diagnostics to materials science. With the help of powerful microscopy, scientists will be able to make discoveries that were previously unimaginable.

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