A new time-lapse movie released by the Hubble Space Telescope shows how a supernova surprised scientists when it exploded on the edge of a galaxy. The movie, which was released on September 20th, shows the dramatic explosion from its initial detection in the early morning of August 31st to its peak brightness a few days later. The supernova, named SN 2023im, is the brightest supernova of its kind ever observed by Hubble.

The movie starts with a faint star, barely visible at the edge of a distant galaxy, that suddenly brightens and expands in size over the course of a few days. The supernova, which is located in the Virgo Cluster of galaxies, reached its peak brightness in a matter of days, outshining the entire galaxy in which it resides. From its initial detection to its peak brightness, the supernova increased its brightness by more than 100 times. Scientists have never seen an event like this before.

This extraordinary event has provided scientists with an unprecedented opportunity to study the physics of supernovae. With the help of the Hubble Space Telescope, scientists are now able to capture the full evolution of a supernova in a single movie. This time-lapse movie has already revealed new insights into

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source: Phys.org