Timekeeping is an essential part of our daily lives, from telling us when to start and finish work, to helping us plan out our days and weeks. But it turns out that our timekeeping is far from perfect.

In a recent study, researchers have found that timekeeping is limited by a fundamental physical law. This means that our current methods of timekeeping are never going to be perfect, and are always going to be subject to errors.

This research is a reminder that, despite the advances in technology, our timekeeping is still far from perfect. As the authors of the study explain, “Our results show that the accuracy of any clock is fundamentally bound by physical laws, and no matter how accurate a clock is, it will never reach absolute precision”.

The implications of this research are significant, as it means that our current methods of timekeeping will always be subject to errors, no matter how advanced our technology becomes. This highlights the importance of understanding the physical laws that govern timekeeping, as it can help us to understand the limitations of our current systems.

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source: Phys.org