Recently, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission has submitted a plan to the Idaho legislature that would allow a licensed trapper to be contracted to kill wolves. The proposal aims to reduce the wolf population in certain areas of the state in order to help big game populations recover. The plan was put together by the Commission after officials found that wolf predation was preventing the deer, elk, and moose populations from recovering. If the plan is approved, it would be the first time in the state’s history that a trapper has been contracted to kill wolves. The proposal has sparked a debate among Idaho residents, with some arguing that the plan is necessary to protect big game populations and others arguing that it is cruel and unnecessary.

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission has recently submitted a proposal to the Idaho legislature that would allow a licensed trapper to be contracted to kill wolves. This proposal has sparked a debate among Idaho residents, with some arguing that it is necessary to protect big game populations and others arguing that it is cruel and unnecessary. This is a highly controversial issue, as it would be the first time in the state’s history that a trapper has been contracted to kill wolves. It remains to be seen how this debate will play out and

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