Today, the Hubble Space Telescope has spotted a mysterious and highly irregular galaxy called ESO 495-21. This galaxy has a unique appearance that sets it apart from other galaxies and is located about 250 million light-years away from Earth. Scientists have been studying this galaxy for years and have recently been able to classify it as an irregular galaxy. This is because the galaxy has no clear structure or spiral arms like other galaxies, instead having an unusual clumpy appearance. This is due to its high rate of star formation, which creates bright, hot young stars that are easily visible. The stars in ESO 495-21 are also quite spread out, making the galaxy appear more disorganized than most. Additionally, the galaxy has a large number of dust clouds, making it difficult to observe in visible light.

Overall, ESO 495-21 is a fascinating and unique galaxy and continues to be a source of intrigue and interest for scientists. The Hubble Space Telescope has been instrumental in helping us gain an understanding of this irregular galaxy, and we look forward to learning more about it in the future.

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