A recent study published in the journal Nature Sustainability has revealed that women are leading the way in sustainable farming practices around the world. The study found that women are more likely to use a combination of sustainable practices such as crop rotation, intercropping, intercropping of legumes, and cover crops, as well as conserving soil and water, and using organic fertilizers. This means that women are making an important contribution to ensuring food security and protecting our planet’s natural resources.

The study also highlighted the need for more support for female farmers, as there is a wide gender gap when it comes to access to resources and decision-making. To address this, the study suggests that governments and other actors should invest in women’s leadership and provide access to the necessary technology, resources, and training to ensure successful farming operations.

This research is a reminder that, in order to truly build a sustainable future, we must ensure that women are empowered to take the lead in caring for our planet. Women are essential to the health of our environment and their efforts should be recognized and supported.

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source: Phys.org