In a surprising discovery, scientists have recently reported that Giant Tree Kangaroos have been living in Australia for hundreds of years. This is the first time that this species of kangaroo has been recorded in Australia, and scientists believe that it is a major breakthrough in understanding the evolution of kangaroos.

The Giant Tree Kangaroo is a species of kangaroo that is native to the island of New Guinea. They are much larger than the average kangaroo, and they are able to climb trees to feed and rest. They are considered to be a vulnerable species, and their presence in Australia is a major surprise to scientists.

This new discovery has opened up a new window into the evolution of kangaroos. Scientists believe that the Giant Tree Kangaroos have been living in Australia for hundreds of years and are likely the result of an ancient migration from New Guinea. This new information could help to shed light on the origins of kangaroos and how they have evolved over time.

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