Environmental groups have recently taken legal action against the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) over SpaceX’s plans for a massive expansion of its Starlink network. The groups claim that the FAA has failed to consider the potential harm that the Starlink satellites could cause to the environment, particularly when it comes to light pollution. The lawsuit seeks to force the FAA to require SpaceX to provide more information about the potential impacts on wildlife and nighttime visibility before approving the project.

Today, environmental groups have filed a lawsuit against the FAA to force them to take into consideration the potential harms of SpaceX’s Starlink network. The groups are concerned about the impact that the Starlink satellites could have on the environment, particularly in regards to light pollution. The lawsuit calls on the FAA to require SpaceX to provide more information on the potential impacts on wildlife and nighttime visibility before the project is approved. This is yet another example of environmental groups standing up to protect our planet and its inhabitants.

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source: Phys.org