DNA analysis of insects has revealed astonishingly high levels of biodiversity, with some species containing upwards of 100 distinct genetic variations. Scientists from the European Union have conducted a comprehensive survey of insect DNA, and their findings suggest that insect populations are far more genetically diverse than previously believed. This could have major implications for the conservation of insect species, as well as for our understanding of evolution. The study examined genetic samples from over 100,000 species of insects, and concluded that many species contain a wide range of genetic variation. For example, the researchers found that some species of butterflies contain up to 100 distinct genetic variations. This is particularly remarkable given the fact that many insect species have existed for millions of years, and yet still show such a high level of diversity. The findings of the study could prove invaluable to the conservation of insect species, as it could help us to identify and protect those species with the greatest genetic diversity. Furthermore, the study could also help us to better understand the evolutionary processes behind the diversity of insects.

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source: Phys.org