As climate change continues to worsen, farmers and ranchers are increasingly recognizing the need for cattle breeds that are better adapted to the changing environment. New research from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has found that, by evaluating the genetics of different breeds, it is possible to identify which ones have the highest levels of stress tolerance. This could lead to more efficient production of beef and dairy products, as well as a more resilient cattle population in the face of increasing temperatures. The study examined more than 20,000 cattle and found that several breeds had significant differences in genetic architecture related to heat and cold tolerance. By selecting for these traits, farmers can help ensure that their herds are better prepared to withstand extreme weather events and changing environmental conditions. The research also found that the genetic architecture related to stress tolerance is largely inherited, meaning that its effects can be passed down to future generations. This could help ensure that cattle are better equipped to handle the effects of climate change in the future.

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