In a groundbreaking new study, scientists at the University of Chicago have discovered a way to use the gravitational lensing effect of galaxies to transmit power across vast distances. The study, published this week in the journal Nature, was conducted by a team of astrophysicists who have been studying the possibility of using this phenomenon as a means of communication for over a decade. The team’s findings could potentially revolutionize the way we transmit large amounts of data and energy through space.

Gravitational lenses are created when two galaxies are closely aligned and the gravitational force from one galaxy causes the light from the other galaxy to bend and concentrate. This creates a magnified image of the distant galaxy that can be used to send data and energy. The team from University of Chicago was able to demonstrate that the beams of light created by this phenomenon can be used to transmit power over vast distances. This could open the door to a new era of intergalactic communications and even provide the possibility of powering distant civilizations.

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