Fire extinguishers were invented by George William Manby in the late 18th century. Manby created a device that could be used to extinguish small fires. It was made of a copper vessel filled with a mixture of water and potassium carbonate. This invention could work by pressing a lever, which would then release the mixture into the fire.

Before Manby’s invention, the main way of fighting fires was to use buckets of water to douse the flames. This didn’t work very well, especially if the fire was too big or if the water was limited. This new fire extinguisher was more popular and worked much better than anything before.

Various improvements were made to Manby’s original design over the next few decades. In 1866, Alanson Crane, an American inventor, invented a chemical fire extinguisher that used sulfuric acid and sodium bicarbonate to create a foam that could be used to smother flames. This new type of fire extinguisher was known as a “chemical fire engine,” and it was mostly used in residential and commercial settings.

The development of fire extinguishers continued to evolve in the early 20th century. A fire extinguisher called the Pyrene was developed in 1924, which used a chemical called monoammonium phosphate to create a dry chemical that could be used to extinguish fires. This was very effective at extinguishing fires caused by flammable liquids.

A new type of fire extinguisher called the Halon was developed in the 1950s. It used a chemical called Halon 1301, which worked well to extinguish fires caused by electrical equipment. This made them very useful for computer rooms and other areas where electrical fires were risky. However, these extinguishers weren’t environmentally friendly and were later changed in the 1980s.

Today, there are several types of fire extinguishers available, each designed to be used on different types of fires. The most common ones include water, foam, dry chemical, and carbon dioxide. Water extinguishers are used to extinguish fires caused by solid materials. Foam extinguishers are used against fires caused by flammable liquids. Dry chemical extinguishers are used to extinguish fires against flammable liquids and electrical equipment. Carbon dioxide extinguishers are used against fires also caused by electrical equipment and flammable gases.

In conclusion, a fire extinguisher is a valuable tool that has saved countless lives. It was invented by George William Manby in the late 18th century and has been through many improvements and developments since then. Today, there are several different types of fire extinguishers available, each designed to be used on different types of fires, and they continue to play a vital role in fire safety.